Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't Forget to Bring a Towel!

Today is Towel Day, honoring the author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "five book trilogy", Douglas Adams!
` I was working today, and when I got home I was too tired even for karate, and sort of well, fell into a state of zombie-like determination on a little project I have in store for being future posts on this blog. I didn't even clean up the mess that always accumulates while I'm not at home to clean up after everyone!
` I was about to finish up before bed with a Series of YouTube Videos About Various Fantastically Amazing Things That Even I Can't Describe (the sorts of ones I want to make someday), when I thought to look up a YouTube video on Towel Day. THEY EXIST!

Word of advice; put your towel across the eyes of your opponent rather than yourself.

Here's some goofball talking about it like a complete moron (my favorite!) :D although we don't get to see a man get killed with a snapped towel. I feel cheated!

OMGWTF?!?!?!? No, really, I'm not going to try to be coherent here. Just... watch... or better yet... don't....

Sadly, I've gone on to see other videos about Towel Day, and they're EVEN MORE MESSED-UP THAN THAT!!!

These are videos that kind of turn your mind off -- I'm stopping this immediately and going on to find videos that turn my mind ON! At least until it too finally tires out....


KB said...

Happy Towel Day to you!

Spoony Quine said...

Thanks! You too! And I'm also glad the world didn't end like that Camping guy down in Seattle said it would. Forgot to mention that in my post...